“Gideon The Great” Wins Platinum!

Gideon The Great Wins Platinum!


Happy Trails Animation is thrilled to announce that its independently produced short film “Gideon The Great: The Flying Ace” is a 2010 Pixie Platinum Award Winner in the Animation category. The Pixie Awards are sponsored by The American Pixel Academy.

Judging is done by professionals who have excelled in the moving pixel fields of animation, motion graphics and effects. 92% of all video productions now use Motion Graphics, Effects or Animation. The Pixie Awards recognizes outstanding work in these areas.

Entries are judged on a standard of excellence, not against each other.  Entries scoring 9.0 or higher on a 10-point scale qualify for the Platinum Pixie award.

“Over the years the lines between computer effects and animation have been blurred.  Some traditionalists seem to fight the advancement of technology and its place amongst the art of frame by frame creations.  Awards like the Pixie have created a place for everyone to play together.  The Pixie Awards have been about industry merit and it is wonderful to have an award that encompasses any and all things animation.”

Andy Collen, Happy Trails Animation

The complete list of Pixie Award winners can be seen at: www.pixieawards.com