What is Transmedia? The technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies.
Transmedia by Happy Trails: As providers of custom animation services, the following examples of storytelling link together literally and narratively across multiple forms of media.
Here is an example of a motion comic project we worked on as Double Barrel Motion Labs, produced for Universal Pictures for the film Repomen. While in the process of editing the live-action film there were key scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor that the director felt were worth keeping. So, the scenes were illustrated and produced as Motion Comics. The animated clips were then used for viral internet promotions during the live-action films’ release and then included as fun extras for the film’s BluRay/DVD release. Content like this can be served through many of todays’ new technological ports.
- Title: “Repomen Trailer”
- Client: Universal Pictures
- Agency: Double Barrel Motion Labs
Here is an example of a project we worked on for Disney where the simple illustration of comic books, once animated as Motion Comics, garnered a much bigger platform. The collectable comic soon gave way to an episodic smart phone App along with many other features. The audience was transfixed within the simple App by the world of TRON.
- Title: “Tron Trailer”
- Client: Disney
Here are several examples from a project we worked on with TC Digital. They were looking for a way to bring their popular card game of Chaotics to a new environment online. We created a variety of Motion Cards featuring characters from the game. When tapped by a player, the cards animated, essentially creating an interactive aspect for their online card game — exciting, custom animations for each game card character — illustrations brought to life.
- Title: “Intress”
- Client: TC Digital
- Title: “Mower”
- Client: TC Digital
- Title: “Takinom”
- Client: TC Digital