After 25 years in marketing and branding with our boutique animation studio, it’s always a blast when we get to be part of launching truly revolutionary concepts — be they films, commercial work or an independent promotion. Our studio recently spent a few weeks, deep in the trenches with a team, pushing four different streams of tech to new levels. The project involved preparing presentation materials for the 2016 Avatar XPRIZE competition, lead by American scientist, film producer, director, writer and business man — Dr. Harry Kloor.

I met Dr. Harry Kloor several years ago through a mutual friend and physically at Comic Con in San Diego. Business is all about the connections right? Never could have guessed that the conversations that day between a couple of producers/writers/creatives would eventually lead to my involvement in one of Harry’s most groundbreaking science/entertainment projects so far — turning humanoid robots into shared assets, deployed and used across the globe as Avatars.
As a kid growing up in the small town of Aspen, Colorado, my first flash of seeing how the future can come through an individual happened through a local computer guy in town; Nick Dewolf. Nick was the guy involved with creating the JPEG format. He also created the quality check machine for computer chips, which lead to the kind of processing we have today.
Dr. Harry Kloor’s Avatar XPRIZE project is a total world changer. We feel privileged to be a part of his innovative ideas. Someday soon, perhaps I will be able to port into an Avatar and say — I AM AVATAR!
“At its core, transportation is about improving the health and quality of life for people. Our current worldwide transport network becomes less and less able to support the demands of an increasingly interconnected society, limiting the spreading of knowledge, skills and workforce at a global scale. The Avatar Visioneers Team is focused on creating “limitless travel” by teleporting one’s consciousness into a physical Avatar body that will enable people to “instantly be in multiple places at once, literally.” — Dr. Harry Kloor

- CLIENT: ANA Airlines
- AREA: Produced in Portland, Oregon for our client in Los Angeles, California
- SOUND: Happy Trails Animation

Animated Logo

ANA Airlines Animated Logo
This animated logo takes the viewer through the transformation that ANA Airlines has progressed through, and into the future of transportation: Avatars.
- CLIENT: ANA Airlines
- AREA: Produced in Portland, Oregon for our client in Los Angeles, California
- SOUND: Happy Trails Animation
Motion Posters

- CLIENT: ANA Airlines
- AREA: Produced in Portland, Oregon for our client in Los Angeles, California
- SOUND: Happy Trails Animation

- CLIENT: ANA Airlines
- AREA: Produced in Portland, Oregon for our client in Los Angeles, California
- SOUND: Happy Trails Animation

- CLIENT: ANA Airlines
- AREA: Produced in Portland, Oregon for our client in Los Angeles, California
- SOUND: Happy Trails Animation

- CLIENT: ANA Airlines
- AREA: Produced in Portland, Oregon for our client in Los Angeles, California
- SOUND: Happy Trails Animation

Press Releases
“ANA AVATAR XPRIZE” Selected As A Top Prize Concept At XPRIZE’S Visioneers 2016 Summit – PRNewswire
ANA, Japan’s largest airline, had their Avatar XPRIZE selected as a top prize concept at XPRIZE’s inaugural Visioneers event, which was held in Los Angeles from Thursday, September 29 to Saturday, October 1. The “ANA AVATAR” Team, led by esteemed scientist, Dr.2 Harry Kloor (PH.D, PH.D), successfully pitched their ambitious vision for a future where avatars allow people’s consciousness to be transported instantaneously across the globe and beyond. On the heels of its avatar concept being chosen, ANA plans to further strengthen its relationship with the innovative non-profit organization with an exclusive Foundation Partnership.
Robot Surrogates Battle for XPRIZE Glory – PCMag
It’s 2025, and you need to check on production in Tokyo. But you don’t book a flight—jetlag is so last century. You go online, rent an AI-empowered avatar located in Japan, slip into a full body haptic and motion-capture suit, and transport your consciousness overseas instead.
“ANA AVATAR” Selected As A Top Prize Concept at XPRIZE Visioneers Summit 2016 – Kurzweil
A concept for remote-controlled “avatar” humanoid robots, presented by ANA, Japan’s largest airline, was named one of the three “top prize concept” finalists at XPRIZE’s recent inaugural Visioneers event.
The ANA AVATAR Team, led by scientist Harry Kloor, PhD, presented an ambitious vision of a future in which human pilots would hear, see, talk, touch, and feel as if a humanoid robotic body were their own — instantaneously across the globe and beyond. Ray Kurzweil is Co-Prize Developer.
“22m XPRIZE To Make Avatar A Reality…” – Daily Mail
Humanoid robots could soon allow us to stream our consciousness anywhere in the world, acting as surrogate bodies that enable people to ‘instantly be in multiple places at once.’ This is the goal of the Avatar XPrize, an ANA-sponsored concept for a $22 million contest just selected at the XPrize Visioneers 2016 Summit as ‘ready to launch.’ The technology would make James Cameron’s Avatar a reality, developing ‘limitless travel’ avatars that can be rented and controlled remotely by a human operator, who will be able to hear, see, and feel what the robot is experiencing.
Tech Travel Trends – NBC4 News
A team of engineers in South Bay has created an avatar that simulates travel using a virtual reality headset. Mekahlo Medina reports for the NBC4 News on Friday, Sept. 30, 2016.